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Meet the Governance Team


Trust Members

Reverend Mark Bennet Portrait Photoraph

Reverend Mark Bennet
Chair of Members

Mr Mike Cole Portrait Photo

Mr Mike Cole
Chair of Trustees

Mr Charles Cairns Portrait Photograph

Professor C Cairns

Mr Nick Cornish Portrait Photo

Mr N Cornish

Mr Paul Trincas Portrait Photo

Mr Paul Trincas





Mr Mike Cole Portrait Photograph

Mr Mike Cole
Chair of Trustees

Mr Francois Walker Portrait Photo

Mr Francois Walker
CEO & Accounting Officer

Mr Chris Adams Portrait Photo

Mr Chris Adams

Rev. Mark Bennet Portrait Photograph

Reverend Mark Bennet
Chair of Finance & Risk Committee

Mr Graham Curren Portrait Photo

Mr Graham Curren

Mrs Patricia Gauci Profile Photograph

Mrs Patricia Gauci

Mrs Michaela Hanbuerger Profile Photograph

Mrs Michaela Hanbuerger
Chair of Staffing Committee

Mrs Michelle Harrison Profile Photograph

Mrs Michelle Harrison
Safeguarding Lead

Mr Laurence Harwood Portrait Photo

Mr Laurence Harwood

Mr Andy James Portrait Photograph

Mr Andy James
Risk Lead

Mr Steve Lyford Portrait Photo

Mr Steve Lyford

Man silhouette

Mr Nigel Margeson

Local Governing Bodies

Local Governing Bodies (LGB)
Francis Baily Primary School
Kennet School
Whitelands Park Primary School
Mrs Ginette Kilroy
Mr Graham Curren
Mr Nigel Margeson
Miss Lizzie Hobbs
Headteacher & Ex-Officio
Ms Grace Rigg
Headteacher & Ex-Officio
Mrs Meera Phillips
Headteacher & Ex-Officio
Mrs Rachel Burge Mr Colin Barker Mrs Amy Bannister
Mr Paul Kearns Mrs Sam Bartholomew Miss Kate Barrow
Mrs Wendy Lawson  Miss Lea Bateman Mrs Christina Butler
Mr Andy Maye Reverend Mark Bennet Mrs Sarah King
Mrs Sarah Rayfield Mr Jon Carroll Miss Sarah Lake
Mrs Lucy Roberts Mrs Lisa Collins Mr Luke Mironski
Mr Alex Taylor Mr Phil Davis Ms Olivia Rugman
Mr Luke Whelan Miss Emily Evans Mrs Joanne Warner
Ms Kate White Mrs Sarah Ward  
Mrs Jackie Wood