Record-Breaking Firework Display
Equinox Learning Trust schools celebrate record-breaking firework display, raising £13,500 to provide additional resources for their pupils.
On Friday, 8 November, Kennet School’s PTAC, Francis Baily’s PTA and Friends of Whitelands Park came together once again for a highly successful joint firework display. Sponsored by LakeRidge Solutions, this year’s event saw an incredible 3,400 attendees, surpassing the previous record of 3,000 set in 2019. The firework display raised a total profit of £13,500, which will be split between the three PTAs.
Whilst the fireworks display was the focal point of the evening, offering a spectacular visual display that brought together families and the local community in celebration, the event also featured food and drink stalls, along with a glow stall.
“We are thrilled with the success of this year’s firework display,” said Mr Walker, CEO of the Equinox Learning Trust. “A heartfelt 'Thank You' goes to all three PTAs for their tireless efforts in running this event. Their dedication and hard work, alongside the incredible support from the local community and our sponsor, LakeRidge Solutions, made this event a resounding success. The funds raised will have a direct and positive impact on the pupils in our schools.”